Physicians / Therapists

Physician Practices

Prescribing physicians may order a FEES for their patients by simply faxing an order for "FEES secondary to Dysphagia" to ADD at 509-356-4607. Please include your patient's history and physical information, as well as their demographics sheet.

Once the order is received and the patient's insurance has been verified, ADD will contact your patient (typically within 24 hours) to schedule the FEES.

If requested, your office may be notified of the scheduled appointment time in order for you to schedule a timely follow-up visit with the patient.

Once the FEES is completed, the physician will receive a detailed diagnostic report and recommendations.

If indicated, ADD can provide follow up Dysphagia therapy for your patient.

Treating Dysphagia Therapists

Outpatient therapists may obtain and fax a physician's order stating "FEES secondary to Dysphagia" to ADD at 509-356-4607.

Once the order is received, ADD will contact the treating therapist to discuss scheduling the FEES. If desired, the treating therapist is welcome to be present and collaborate with ADD during the FEES.

ADD will discuss the FEES results and recommendations with the treating therapist and will assist with treatment planning if desired.

ADD will submit billing claims to the patient's insurance company for reimbursement and will invoice the patient for any due co-pays.

A detailed diagnostic report, including recommendations and effective compensatory strategies, will be faxed to the treating therapist and to the patient's physician.